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Ira Nissel

Ira Nissel

What is “Donor Eligibility Determination”?

A donor eligibility determination is based on donor screening and testing for relevant
communicable disease agents and diseases. A donor eligibility determination is
required for all donors of cells or tissues used in artificial reproductive technologies
The donor screening and testing encompasses the following:

  1. Syphilis (TPHA+reagin АТ)
  2. Hepatitis B (kіlkіsny HbsAg)
  3. Hepatitis C (HCV загальні АТ)
  4. HIV
  5. Toxoplasmosis ІgМ
  6. Cytomegalovirus ІgМ
  7. Herpes1/2 ІgМ
  8. Rubella ІgМ
  9. Karyotype
  10. X-frag. Chromosome
  11. Cystic Fibrosis
  12. Chlamydia Virus PCR
  13. Mycoplasma (genitalium, hominis), ureaplazma ПЛР
  14. Urogenital smear
  15. Pap smear/ cytology
  16. CBC
  17. Blood group and Rh
  18. Coagulogram
  19. Biochemical analysis of blood (including liver tests)
  20. Glucose
  21. Urine test
  22. Prolactin
  23. FSH
  24. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
  25. AMH
  26. Onco-markers СА-125 / СА-153 / НЕ4 / СА-199
  27. Conclusion of psychologist
  28. Fluorography
  29. Mammography
  30. Conclusion of pediatrician about children’s health

We’re here for you.

BetaPlus Fertility is dedicated to supporting parents, intended parents, surrogates and donors at all stages of their journey. While it’s understood that the current situation is temporary, we know that families are lasting and enduring.  We encourage you to fill out the form below and schedule your complimentary, virtual consultation to take the first step on your journey.