Make sure that you get the best possible results (and avoid unnecessary worry) by
following a few tips on how to prepare for a semen analysis.
Semen analysis is the first step towards understanding a man’s fertility. The test will
measure key parameters of semen known to impact fertility. Minimally, it will measure
sperm count or concentration (how many sperm you have), sperm motility (how many of
them swim), and semen volume (how much semen you make). A more comprehensive
analysis will also measure sperm morphology (the shape of sperm), liquefaction time
(semen starts out viscous and over time should become watery), and the pH of the
semen (how acidic it is).
Typically, semen analysis is performed by a technician who will literally take a drop of
the sample, place it on a microscope slide, and analyze it under a microscope. A
number of factors including technician experience, method used, and equipment can
impact the quality of the results.
Because sperm are relatively fragile, sample collection and handling will also impact the
quality of test results. If the sample sits in the cup too long, sperm will begin to die and
break apart. If part of the sample isn’t collected, volume and count measurements will
be inaccurate.
The Week Before the Test
A bit of abstinence helps. To optimize results, it is best to test four days following your
last ejaculation. The testicle is constantly producing sperm, which are stored in a long
tubular structure called the epididymis. During an ejaculation, the epididymis is emptied
and fresh sperm flow into it. It takes two to three days to completely refill the epididymis.
Testing too soon after an ejaculation will usually show a lower sperm count.
So, waiting longer is better, right? Not exactly. Sperm cells have a limited lifespan of
three weeks max inside the testicle. When ejaculations are infrequent, sperm cells start
to die and break down inside the body.
To get a good understanding of how healthy your sperm are, you really want to look at a
fresh batch. In the week or two prior to a semen analysis, it is a good idea to “clean out
the pipes” with more frequent ejaculations to clear out dead cells and fragments. Then,
wait a few days to allow the epididymis to fill up with fresh sperm.
Avoid heat. This includes hot tubs, saunas, grilling, laptop heat and the like. Brief
exposures to high heat in the days prior to a semen analysis can cause premature cell
death and will impact your motility results.
Prolonged heat exposures like fevers, frequent hot tub use, long periods of sitting,
occupational heat exposures, or laptop use can impair sperm production. Unfortunately,
this cannot be resolved quickly. It takes about two and half months to make a sperm
start to finish. However, if you have had prolonged exposures to high heat or a fever
over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the past three months, it is worth mentioning to the
Avoid caffeine, smoking (especially marijuana), alcoholic beverages, and bicycle riding
for up to two weeks prior to the semen collection. All of these activities will impair semen
Collecting a Sample
While you probably learned the ABCs of how to produce a semen sample sometime in
middle school, there are a few things worth noting when you are trying to get some
feedback regarding your fertility.
Collecting a Sample at Home
Semen starts out viscous and over time liquefies. This helps it to stay near the cervix,
then as it liquefies, sperm are free to swim to the intended destinations. Clinics want to
measure how long it takes the semen to liquefy, which is typically under an hour. For
this reason, it is most preferred to collect the sample at the clinic. However, if you live
close enough, you may be able to bring a sample from home. Ask the doctor if you
would prefer this option. If you have been given the green light to collect your sample at
home, there are a few things you need to do to make sure you get accurate results.
Cap it right away: Semen samples tend to look like a few drops of liquid in the bottom
of a big cup. Because the whole sample is spread out, seminal fluid is more likely to
evaporate, which in turn can cause sperm to dry out and die. Placing the cap on
immediately after collection will reduce evaporation and improve accuracy of semen
volume and sperm motility measurements.
Record exact time of collection: This will help the clinic to evaluate liquefaction time
and ensure that the semen is analyzed at an appropriate time
Watch the temperature: Sperm can only live for a few hours outside the body. Wild
swings in temperature will cause sperm to die more quickly. Ideally, the cup should stay
slightly below body temperature.
Get to lab quickly: It is important to get the sample to the lab as quickly as possible to
ensure a timely analysis. If the elapsed time from collection to analysis is much longer
than an hour, motility scores drop dramatically.
Is it Okay to Get a Little “Help”?
Collecting a semen sample for analysis can be uncomfortable ethically and emotionally.
Most cultures and religions have specific rules or customs surrounding sex,
masturbation, and procreation. Finding a way to honor your traditions while getting
important information about your health and fertility can be daunting. Most labs are
aware of these issues and support patients by altering requirements and procedures to
respect cultural and religious traditions. If you have strong concerns or reservations, you
may want to seek out a religious leader or a fertility expert who shares your traditions
and can help guide you through the process.
Even if cultural or religious ideals do not pose a conflict for collecting a sample, some
men find it emotionally or biologically difficult to produce a sample on their own.
Interestingly, studies have found that more sperm is present in the semen collected
during intercourse. The body somehow knows it’s the real deal. This presents the
argument for having your partner help you. Like collection at home, collecting with a
partner complicates sample handling and requires a bit of extra preparation.
Use a collection condom: The highest concentration of sperm resides in the first few
drops of ejaculate. For this reason, most clinics prefer that you obtain the sample
without the help of your partner. If you are collecting with a partner, you will need to
purchase a special collection condom. Regular condoms are designed to kill sperm. Do
not use them when collecting a test sample. Collection condoms are designed to keep
sperm healthy and available for analysis.
Pass on the lube: Like condoms, lubricants are designed to kill sperm cells. It may
interfere with other factors the doctor is testing for, so ask first.