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Ira Nissel

Ira Nissel

Fresh vs. Frozen Embryos for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

The transfer of fresh embryos is generally preferred over the transfer of frozen embryos
for in vitro fertilization (IVF), but some evidence suggests that frozen-embryo transfer
may improve the live-birth rate and lower the rates of the ovarian hyper stimulation
syndrome and pregnancy complications in women with the polycystic ovary syndrome.
In a multicenter trial, we randomly assigned 1,508 infertile women with polycystic ovary
syndrome who were undergoing their first IVF cycle to undergo either fresh-embryo
transfer or embryo cryopreservation followed by frozen-embryo transfer. After three
days of embryo development, women underwent the transfer of up to two fresh or
frozen embryos. The primary outcome was a live birth after the first embryo transfer.
Frozen-embryo transfer resulted in a higher frequency of live birth after the first transfer
than did fresh-embryo transfer (49.3% vs. 42.0%).
Women who underwent frozen-embryo transfer also had a lower frequency of
pregnancy loss (22.0% vs. 32.7%) and ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (1.3% vs.
7.1%), but had a higher frequency of preeclampsia (4.4% vs. 1.4%).
There were no significant between-group differences in rates of other pregnancy and
neonatal complications. There were five neonatal deaths in the frozen-embryo group
and none in the fresh-embryo group.
Among infertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome, frozen-embryo transfer was
associated with a higher rate of live birth, a lower risk of the ovarian hyperstimulation
syndrome, and a higher risk of preeclampsia after the first transfer than was fresh-
embryo transfer.

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