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Ira Nissel

Ira Nissel

Epigenetics: Using Donor Eggs

Epigenetics has been a fascinating and growing field of study over recent years,
especially because of the implications it has for patients using donor eggs or donor
embryos. In this section, we will give a quick explanation of what exactly epigenetics is
and the incredible connections it establishes between a donor egg recipient mother and
her unborn child.
Epigenetics literally means “above” or “on top of” genetics. It refers to external
modifications to DNA that turn genes “on” or “off.” These modifications do not change
the DNA sequence, but instead, they affect how cells “read” genes.
What is Epigenetics?
As explained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, “epigenetics is
defined as heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve a change in DNA
sequence.” Although the gene sequence itself cannot be altered, other environmental
factors in the birth mother’s body modifies the gene expression, or what the gene
does. Essentially, scientific studies of epigenetics are revealing that the activity levels of
some genes may be “dimmed” or turned up in response to other external cues from the
environment—even in the womb! This means that as a donor egg recipient, your body
still influences the gene development of your baby. 
Epigenetics and Donor Eggs or Donor Embryos
One of the most emotionally challenging aspects of the IVF journey for many women is
that their baby will not share genetic information with them. However, recent
advancements in the field of epigenetics have suggested that the birth mother, including
mothers who are recipients of donor oocytes, plays a significant role in the way the
baby’s genes develop.
Although certain characteristics of the baby may be genetically inherent of the egg
donor, male partner, or sperm donor, the baby is still growing from the birth mother’s
body. After the implantation of the embryo and throughout the entire pregnancy, every
cell in the baby’s body is influenced by the birth mother’s body. All the nutrients that the
mother is intaking (protein, vitamins, minerals, calcium, sugars) are being used to build
the little human inside of them. The baby lives in the birth mother’s embryonic fluid for
nine months, shares their blood flow, their rhythm, and the baby’s gene expression is
influenced by the prenatal environment of the mother’s womb.
Donor Eggs: Will the Baby Look Like Me?
If you are wondering, “Will my baby look like me when using donor eggs?” the answer is
the same for women who conceive naturally, and that is that nobody knows. Every egg
and every sperm carries genetic material from the entire gene pool, including parents,

grandparents, aunts, uncles, and so on. Even after the baby is born, the manifestation
of genetics is a process that lasts throughout an entire lifetime. 
Although a donor egg recipient mother does not contribute maternal genes to the baby,
she still has a profound influence on how the baby’s genes will perform throughout the
individual’s entire life.
Epigenetics: Your Lifestyle Impacts Your Baby’s Gene Development
Intuitively, we can easily wrap our heads around the idea that many aspects of a child
are influenced by the way they are raised. We realize that the child develops traits and
behaviors from the parents who are raising him or her. However, when we translate this
concept to a fetus inside the womb, it becomes a bit more nuanced. Does the
environment make that much of a difference? Aren’t the babies simply a genetic result
of the biological parents? 
Well, there are scientific revelations that explain the epigenetic effect in molecules
known as microRNAs that are secreted in the mother’s womb. These microRNAs act as
a communication system between the mother and the growing fetus and are
responsible for fine tuning the activity levels of genes during development and
throughout life. So, epigenetics uses actual biological and chemical signals to regulate
how much functional activity a gene will be putting out.
As a recipient of donor oocytes, you are responsible for more than just the gestation
and birth of the baby. You are responsible for creating a healthy environment for the
embryo to develop in, an environment that will literally contribute to the way in which the
baby’s genes form, which characteristics are turned on or turned off, and the future
health of your child—even as an adult. 
Epigenetics: Quality of Life Inside the Womb Has Life-Lasting Health Effects on
the Baby
Not only does epigenetics begin in the womb, but scientists also believe that the most
fundamental impact on gene function occurs in utero. A birth mother’s womb serves as
the first, and most impactful, environment for the baby. This means that the mother’s
lifestyle choices from even before conception, and especially throughout gestation, have
a tremendous impact on the overall health of the individual for the rest of their lives.
Several studies, including the “fetal origin hypothesis” by David J. Barker, suggest that
the environmental factors that an individual is exposed to in utero have a direct impact
on whether that individual develops major medical conditions in their adult life.
Essentially, the quality of life inside the womb plays a significant role in the future health
of an individual.
Amazingly, the birth mother’s health before and during conception also contributes to
the overall health of the baby. So, it’s best to get into a healthy lifestyle routine before
conception and maintain healthy habits throughout pregnancy and beyond. Two main
contributing factors to creating the healthiest prenatal environment possible for your

baby are stress and nutrition. Talk to your physician to receive specific health
Using Donor Eggs or Donor Embryos: You Contribute More Than You Think
Moral of the story: As a mother using donor eggs or donor embryos, you are completely
involved in the development of your baby. Ultimately, it’s the combination of genetics
and epigenetics that form your baby into the unique human being that they become. If
you are considering using donor eggs or donor embryos, we encourage you
to register today to browse donor profiles and contact our friendly and knowledgeable
team if you have any additional questions!

We’re here for you.

BetaPlus Fertility is dedicated to supporting parents, intended parents, surrogates and donors at all stages of their journey. While it’s understood that the current situation is temporary, we know that families are lasting and enduring.  We encourage you to fill out the form below and schedule your complimentary, virtual consultation to take the first step on your journey.