General Information
Travel Time from New York, USA (JFK) to Cancún, Mexico (CUN): 3 hours 55 minutes
Distance from Cancún International Airport (CUN) to the Hotel Zone: Average 26
Fertility Center Americans is 17 minutes from the Hotel Zone.
Local Currency: Mexican Peso (MXN) $1 = 24 MXN
Airport Taxi Service to Hotel Zone: $25 (online order) to $45 (regular fare)
Time Zone: New York -1 EDT / Los Angles + 2 PDT
Weather: June is the hottest month in Cancún with an average temperature of 82°F and
the coldest is January at 73°F with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in August. The
wettest month is September with an average of 270mm of rain. The best month to swim
in the sea is in July when the average sea temperature is 84°F.
Cancún is located in Quintana Roo, where Mayan culture shines on every corner.
Surrounded by the breathtaking Caribbean Sea, soft coral sands, and the striking shade
of blue that emerges from its crystal-clear waters, a visit to Cancún will make you
wonder whether you are in a dream.
The splendorous and mystical ruins will take you on an incredible journey back to the
Mayan civilization. The archaeological zone of El Rey or El Templo del Alacrán (the
temple of the scorpion) will amaze your eyes, and if you are into nature, you’ll love Xel-
Ha, a natural aquarium that will make you feel as if you are in a fantasy land.
Visiting the Secret River will take you closer to the Xibalbá, the Mayan underworld,
and Xcaret, the most important eco-archaeological park in the country, will offer its
charm so you can blend with the jungle. By the way, this splendorous place is why
Cancún was named the second most attractive destination for summer vacations in
The range of options for tourists of all ages that Cancún offers goes beyond your
imagination. From its trendy nightlife, one of the hottest in the country, to its underwater
museum, Cancún has it all for travelers looking to have the vacation of their life.