General Information
Travel Time from John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) to Kyiv: 8 hours 50
minutes flight time
Distance from Boryspil International Airport (KBP) to center: Average 30 minutes driving
BetaPlus Fertility is in the heart of the city center of Kyiv and 7 to 10 minutes from most
hotels and rental apartments we offer.
Local currency: Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) $1 = 26.7 UAH
Taxi fares around the city range in price from $3 to $5 one way.
Time Zone: New York +7 EDT / Los Angles + 10 PDT
Weather: January is the coldest month in Kyiv, with an average high temperature of
30.4°F and an average low temperature of 21.6°F. The summers are comfortable and
partly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 20°F to
78°F and is rarely below 1°F or above 88°F.
Kyiv, Ukraine (also referred to as Keiv) is the most underrated tourist destination in
Europe. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in visitors, and the capital
city of Kyiv is developing a tourist industry to rival anywhere else in Europe. Kyiv offers
some big advantages over other European cities. Ukraine is not part of the EU and is
much cheaper than almost every other country in Europe. In Kyiv you can enjoy the
best restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and just about everything else on a reasonable
budget. One of the most surprising things about Kyiv is the quality of the food and
nightlife. You will never get bored in Kyiv; it is a fascinating city for sightseeing and
Kyiv is the sixth-most populous city in Europe. It is a bustling capital of independent
Ukraine, its administrative, economic, scientific, cultural, and educational center. This
scenic city with a population of over four million people is located on the shores of the
Dnepr River (1,368 miles long).
Kyiv is a city of invaluable historical and cultural monuments, a city of great events and
outstanding people.
The art and architecture of Kyiv is considered a world treasure. Many famous artists,
poets, and writers estimated the unique beauty of this city. The most renowned
landmarks include Cathedral of St. Sophia with outstanding mosaics and frescoes
dating back to the 11th century, Kyivo-Percherskaya Lavra featuring several
monasteries and cathedrals, Golden Gate of Kyiv dating back to 1037, Ukrainian
Baroque Church of St. Andrew, the magnificent 19th-century Cathedral of St. Vladimir,
and many other attractions. Kyiv is often referred to as “the mother of all cities” by
Ukrainians. It is one of the oldest cities in Europe. In the historical center of Kyiv, you
can feel the spirit of the past everywhere.
Kyiv is distinguished for its rich cultural life. Theater lovers will find many theatres
offering various theatrical programs. Most performances are held in Ukrainian or
Russian. The recently renovated Kiev Opera House presents very good opera as well
as a broad repertoire of ballets. Ivan Franko Theater is a center of Ukrainian drama,
comedy, and musicals. Various exhibitions are carried out in the city’s numerous
museums and art galleries.
Kyiv is also a scientific and educational center of independent Ukraine. Kyiv is home to
various universities and science academies including the famous Kiev-Mogilyanskaya
Academy, which is one of the first scientific establishments in Eastern Europe.
Being the largest city of Ukraine, Kyiv is a leading industrial and commercial center of
the country. Kyiv’s major industries include food processing (especially processing of
beet sugar), metallurgy, manufacturing of machinery, machine tools, rolling stock,
chemicals, building materials, and textiles. The development of Ukrainian economy
gave impulse to business activity of the city. There are a lot of new office centers,
banks, trade exhibition centers, and other commercial enterprises appearing in the city
Take a walk through the ancient streets of this scenic city, feel its unique beauty and the
spirit of its past. For sure your stay in Kyiv will become one of your most memorable